Ask the Expert with Joanne Withers
Help… My Business is not Instagramable!
by Joanne Withers of Joanne Withers Photography
I come across many people who say that their business just does not have any
images to show on social media and they they feel they are not “Instagramable”.
The fact that Instagramable has become a word in itself, shows just how image based
your company needs to be now. If you don’t grab that attention in a matter
of seconds, you are scrolling history.
So how do you create the kind of lifestyle images you see online if you are a
business that doesn’t have an immediate bank of images to showcase? Here are a
few tips to get you thinking and I know from there your creativity will start to open
up to seeing new ideas all around you. Plus most of my regular social media
images are taken on a phone – so no excuses to snap away as you go about your
working life. If you do find it a struggle and put it off, setting aside a morning once
a month to create photos can also help you to focus and get ahead with a set of
images ready to upload throughout the next month.
Behind the Scenes
You know your business inside out, but others do not. You may have tools of the
trade that people will find intriguing, or show that it is a business with a heritage.
People love to nosey at a workplace, office, pinboard, or desk. Even what your
coffee cup and notebook look like, or if you have fresh flowers by your computer.
Have you been to a trade show? What products do you buy from local companies
for you business, or ethical options you choose. You may be a business coach and
part of your day is to start it with yoga and meditation and a shot of this could
inspire people to book you as they feel you will be the right fit for them.
Your Personality
Do you have a hobby that your clients are not aware of that would show the
person behind your business in a really interesting light. People invest more in a
person than a corporate machine. Are you learning a new skill, or do you volunteer
anywhere? Have you won an award, or been featured in a magazine? What books
have influenced your career? Office dogs always get the best likes on social media
but the way.
The Quote
Are there famous quotes that could link to your branding? The ‘YOLO’ phrase
could be seen to be a bit cliche now, but inspirational, or motivational quotes are
always well received. There are apps you can get on your phone now to put text
over images, or even just type a quote on to a coloured backdrop.
“A photograph is the pause button of life.”
Calendar Dates
Well there is a day for everything now that could be interpreted in to your social
media calendar. There are the obvious dates that you can cover such as Christmas
and Back to School to get you started. Did you know however, that the 4th
December 2018 is Wear Brown Shoes Day! So how does this relate to a financial
advisor for example? It can show your personality. You could ask people to join in
and share their photos of their favourite brown shoes to generate interaction. You
can find a day for everything on this website.
Your Clients
If you share a photo of a happy client, you can guarantee they will want to share
your post also. Not everyone likes having their photos taken, but many are willing
to help you and you might even go for that cheeky selfie. This could be a group
photo of people that have been on your book-keeping course, or a repost from a
client that has bought a product from you and is sharing an image online. (Always
ask permission though as it is their image after all.)
Your Locations
Do you work in a beautiful location that is worth sharing? You may have a business
as a virtual PA so don’t think spreadsheets are very inspiring, but you do have a
home-office view that is gorgeous. Part of your working day may involve a
lunchtime walk to the park and people are keen on the wellbeing parts of working
life now.
Image Creatives I Love
Take a peek at these if you need more visual inspiration and how to use images
with your content message.
Joanne Withers is a photographer who specialising in lifestyle, branding, weddings, travel and fine art. You can find out more about Joanne and see her work on her website
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