Vacancies at LBN
We have two wonderful opportunities available at LBN:
Chair Person
Job Description:
- Chair meetings once per month, this will include welcoming members, ordering sequence of events and closing the meeting.
- Attend committee meetings where possible, once per month on zoom.
- Where applicable book venues for events
- Where applicable book speakers for events
The committee is a join effort with duties shared amongst the members, the role of Chair is to lead the committee and where applicable to undertake some admin activities. This a voluntary role, hours are 2-4 per month approx.
Job Description:
- Collecting money at meetings and putting it into the LBN bank account
- Making payments to the LBN chosen charity
- Paying LBN invoices
The committee is a join effort with duties shared amongst the members, the role of Treasurer is to take care of the financial side of the LBN This a voluntary role, hours are 2-4 per month approx.
For more information please contact LBN Secretary, Sophie Paluch at
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